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Number of results: 73

  1. Monuments
    Igreja das Domínicas- Elvas
    Church from the 16th / 17th c. in renaissance style.

  2. Convento de Nossa Senhora do Carmo - Figueiró dos Vinhos
Place: Figueiró dos Vinhos
Photo: C. M. Figueiró dos Vinhos
    Convento de Nossa Senhora do Carmo - Figueiró dos Vinhos

    Telephone: +351 236 552 178
    Fax: +351 236 552 596
    E-mail: turismo@cm-figueirodosvinhos.pt
    Website: http://www.cm-figueirodosvinhos.pt

  3. Torre da Cadeia
Place: Figueiró dos Vinhos
Photo: C. M. Figueiró dos Vinhos
    Torre da Cadeia
    Classified as a building of public interest, this stone tower dating from 1506, built on a square plan, has rounded battlements.

    Telephone: +351 236 552 178
    Fax: +351 236 552 596
    E-mail: turismo@cm-figueirodosvinhos.pt
    Website: http://turismo@cm-figueirodosvinhos.pt

  4. Igreja de São Bento - Bragança 
Place: Bragança
Photo: Câmara Municipal de Bragança
    Igreja de São Bento - Bragança
    This church is integrated in a convent founded in 1590 by order of D. Maria Teixeira, occupying the houses that belonged to her. Even today, the stones of arms visible in the facade of the temple and the pediment of baroque style are visible. In the (...)

    Telephone: +351  273 329 182
    E-mail: diocesebragancamiranda@gmail.com
    Website: http://diocesebm.pt

  5. Monuments
    Igreja da Ordem Terceira de São Francisco - Elvas

  6. Igreja de Nossa Senhora das Graças
Place: Bragança
Photo: Câmara Municipal de Bragança
    Igreja de Nossa Senhora das Graças - Bragança
    Also known as the Church of Santa Clara, dates from the 16th century and was intended to welcome daughters and granddaughters of the citizens of Bragança. The construction of this convent began in 1569 and only finished in 1697. The Renaissance (...)

    Telephone: +351 273589102
    E-mail: geral@culturanorte.pt

  7. Convento de São Francisco
Place: Bragança
Photo: Câmara Municipal de Bragança
    Convento de São Francisco - Bragança
    Owned by the Secular Franciscan Order, its structure dates back to the 13th century (1271). Its foundation is attributed according to oral tradition to St. Francis of Assisi. It was rebuilt in the first half of sec. XIII from a medieval structure of (...)

    Telephone: +351 273 001 301
    E-mail: mail@adbgc.dglab.gov.pt
    Website: http://adbgc.dglab.gov.pt

  8. Seminário Maior - Coimbra
    Seminário Maior de Coimbra
    In the Upper part of Coimbra, near the Botanical Garden, we find one of the most impressive presences of Italian art in Portugal, with more than 250 years of history: you can see the cracks of the earthquake of 1755, the traces of the First French (...)

    Telephone: +351 239 792 340
    E-mail: seminariomaiordecoimbra@gmail.com; reservas@grupogala.pt
    Website: http://www.seminariomaiordecoimbra.com/

  9. Igreja de São Francisco - Guimarães
Place: Guimarães
Photo: CM Guimarães
    Igreja de São Francisco - Guimarães

    Telephone: +351 253 439 850
    E-mail: vot.saofrancisco@sapo.pt
    Website: https://ordemsaofrancisco.webnode.pt/

  10. Torre da Igreja do Castelo de São Jorge 
Photo: Siginum
    Torre da Igreja do Castelo São Jorge
    Old Lisbon's highest tower, the most historic city landscape.

    Telephone: +351 215 806 032
    E-mail: geral@torredaigrejadocastelo.pt
    Website: http://torredaigrejadocastelo.pt/home


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