


Number of results: 128

  1. Grutas da Moeda
    Grutas da Moeda
    The Grutas da Moeda (the Coin Caves) of São Mamede, Fatima, were discovered in 1971 by two hunters while chasing a fox. Once in the cave, they were overcome with curiosity which led them to explore the area more thoroughly. To their amazement, they (...)

  2. Albufeira street
Place: Albufeira
Photo: Turismo do Alentejo
    Towns and Villages
    The progress has turned Albufeira into a city with tourism and leisure as its vocation but the streets in the hold Cerro da Vila (mediaeval area) still preserve the picturesque appeal of whitewashed houses and steeply narrow streets. In Travessa da (...)

  3. Museu do Côa
Photo: Porto Convention & Visitors Bureau
    Museums and Palaces
    Museu do Côa
    Inaugurated on the 30th of July 2010 and located on one of the slopes where the Douro and the Côa rivers meet, the Côa Museum uses state-of-the-art technology to present a view of the Côa Valley's cave art, particularly from the Palaeolithic era (...)

    Telephone: +351 279 768 260
    Fax: +351 279 768 270
    E-mail: museu@arte-coa.pt
    Website: http://www.arte-coa.pt

  4. Santuário de Nossa Senhora da Abadia
Place: Amares
Photo: Moisés Soares - Munícipio de Amares
    Santuário de Nossa Senhora da Abadia
    A Marian shrine in the idyllic Gerês landscape. Considered by many to be the oldest Marian sanctuary in Portugal, originally built between the 7th and 8th centuries but which no longer exists, a subsequent sanctuary was erected in the same spot (...)

    Telephone: +351 253 371 197 / 938 039 504

  5. Grutas de Santo António - Alvados
    Grutas de Santo António
    In 1955 two men working at a place called Pedra do Altar went through a large opening as they were trying to catch a bird. The Santo António caves were discovered more than 150 million years after their formation in the Middle Jurassic age, when the (...)

    Telephone: +351 249 841 876
    E-mail: geral@grutassantoantonio.com
    Website: http://www.grutassantoantonio.com

  6. Caves Cálem
    Tours and Other Tourism Services
    Caves Cálem
    Cálem has been producing top quality Ports since 1859. Today, after 150 years of history of success we give you the perfect chance to experience our unique guided tours. We start in the museum where you will learn more about the Douro Demarcated (...)

    Telephone: +351 22 374 66 60
    Fax: +351 22 374 66 99
    E-mail: turismo@sogevinus.com
    Website: http://www.calem.pt

  7. Arte Rupestre do Vale do Côa
    Rock Art of the Vale do Côa Archaeological Park
    Through the imposing mountains of the north-eastern region of Portugal, where in early spring the almond trees are in full blossom and in autumn the vines are covered with fiery red leaves, there runs into the River Douro, from the south, a (...)

  8. Tours and Other Tourism Services
    Caves da Murganheira
    In the Murganheira wine cellars, visitors will discover a fresh and aromatic, quality Portuguese sparkling wine, produced with the finest grape varieties, inspired by the French method. Integrated within the Távora-Varosa wine-producing region, the (...)

    Telephone: +351 254 670 185
    Fax: +351 254 670 187
    E-mail: murganheira.sede@clix.pt

  9. Capela de Nossa Senhora dos Remédios - Peniche
Place: Peniche
Photo: Turismo do Oeste
    Capela de Nossa Senhora dos Remédios - Peniche
    Situated close to the coast, in the far west of the peninsula of Peniche, this chapel forms the basis for a shrine devoted to the cult of the Virgin Mary. The date when this church was founded is not known, although it is believed to have been built (...)

    Telephone: +351 262 787 748

  10. Praia da Samouqueira
Place: Sines
Photo: ABAE
    Praia da Samouqueira
    Samouqueira Beach is the last in a series of sandy stretches to be found among the rocks, difficult to reach but of great natural beauty, including the Vieirinha, Oliveirinha, Foz and Burrinho beaches. Surrounded by cliffs, but easier to access (...)


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